Here is a video of Sammi in his new house. He really loves it in there!!!
Parrot Rescue Centre > Diaries > 2010 August | You are here
Here is a video of Sammi in his new house. He really loves it in there!!!
Well Dil has finally made Sammi’s shredding house!!!
As soon as Dil put him on it he was straight away exploring and getting stuck into it. The middle panel comes straight off so we can get him out easily and clean it. I think he will absolutely adore it!! It has a nice cosy perch inside and a nice high one on top.
I think Tweak and Sammi are becoming good friends. Slowly I have been putting them closer together when out of their cages.
They seem much more relaxed by each other now which is great!!
When I sing ‘Always look on the bright side of life’ I have them both whistling the whistle part to me whilst Sammi does his dance. He is such a character.
When mom had him for the few days every time the phone rang he would say ‘phone’. All weekend Tweak was saying the same thing and I couldnt work out what it was until mom pointed it out. We dont have a land line so wouldnt have made the connection so quickly. They are both learning so much off each other and sammi now shouts ‘Tor’ and ‘no way’ and if I look at him he says ‘what’
Dil spent a few hours last night putting his box together. Its almost finished and will go on the wall where the remains of Sammis basket are in the above picture.
In the previous blog post, I explained how I was leaving Lady, pretty much to her own devices during the day, and that I had introduced her to some wooden blocks to entertain herself with.
Lady has coped extremely well with this method, she has interacted with all the different wooden blocks, and cardboard boxes that I have placed on her play top, and I even managed to introduce a new colorful wooden toy!
Lady’s confidence has grown so much, she now chases my Amazon off her cage, and will now enter different rooms around the house whilst she is with me.
I’m so pleased with Lady, she has come on in leaps and bounds, and is becoming quite a character!
Here are some photos!
Parrot Rescue Centre > Diaries > 2010 August | You are here