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2010 November

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2010 November

Roxy After Bonfire Night!

November 11th, 2010
Roxy After Bonfire Night!

Finally the fireworks have settled down :)

I haven’t seen little Roxy pluck in two days so fingers crossed she will stop again as i write the little princess is tucking into her mash there isn’t a thing she don’t like she loves sharing her mash with little Alfie but wont share it with poor Jem :( .

She even ventured into little Alfie’s cage last night and had a play about until she jumped onto Alfie’s swing which he didn’t like so they started beaking so had to remove her didn’t know whether to leave her in there or not in case one of them hurt each other.

Roxy sits on top of her cage and preens Alfie i wonder if she is falling in love with him, they are inseparable at the moment.

Roxy is coming out with all sorts now she shouts “ruby sit give paw”, “aww bad girl”, “wee wees”, barks at ruby which then sets ruby off ,” come on bedtime”, “I’m watching you” that’s my fault because i say that to her when she goes to chew my blinds.

Shes a pleasant little girl we are doing wonders with her stepping up i still get a few bites off her but that’s to be expected shes all for my hubby,my friend Maggie,and my dad but i don’t mind shes a real tart for the boys.

Catch up on Penny!

November 10th, 2010
Catch up on Penny!

It’s been a while since i updated you on Penny, things are quite hectic here what with our own human baby due in a weeks time and everything else that is going on like my cam belt snapping on our only car, not good when you will need to rush to the birthing unit!

Anyway Penny is settling in well she enjoys being part of the family and enjoys watching the kids run about like loony’s and dances as soon as they are around.

She has really taken to me and will sit on my arm and have a nice cuddle into me as you can see on the photos below. She is trusting me more and more which is great. She still won’t eat her fruit and veg unless i hold it for her cheeky monkey talk about make me work for her to eat! Ha ha

She is also OK with Rick and will sit on his arm for a stroke but not as loving towards him. She enjoys her palm oil on toast in the mornings and a good tickle. She spends the day out watching the world go by out the window and joining in with the children.

Hope you enjoy the new photos –

George + Bobby Settling In!

November 8th, 2010
George + Bobby Settling In!

Sorry it has been a little while since i have updated you on how George and Bobby are doing, i am feeling really tired what with being due our baby in just over a week! I have been looking after the birds and sleeping as much as i can with children at home!

Anyway they are both fine and happy and settling in well, they like to be near each other sometimes and away from each other at others! I am wondering if they are a male and female as they act like a old married couple at times!

George is very friendly and has been saying the following things ”Your Gorgeous, Hello Bob, You Warm? You gonna have a wash!! Got any chips! You wanna shower!” and a few other things too.

Bob is a little more nervous and snappy, tries to bite me when i change the food bowls and say’s ”Go on get out of it!” he also says ”Hello Bob”.

They enjoy having time out of the cage and i got some photos of them having a clean of each other the other night and Rick holding Bob!

Rick handling Bobby!

Roxy Doesn’t Like The Fireworks!

November 7th, 2010

Finally bonfire night is over but it hasn’t stopped yet with fireworks little Roxy has been a nervous wreck shes started plucking again due to the fireworks but hopefully they will stop with the fireworks in a few days.

Roxy is happy to sit on my shoulder now and chatter away,Ive manged to get her to step up now shes still a little hesitant to do it but persuading her with a treat works she really is a little darling she will lay there on her back and let you tickle her tummy while shes laid there cooing.

Last night we managed to file her nails so they arn’t as sharp and she did well after biting me a few times she got used to it we are awaiting her parcel of new toys to come she will also be getting a new cage shortly as i think her corner cage isn’t big enough for our little princess.

Shes still ruling the roost she puts little Alfie and Jem in there place she will not allow them to stand on her cage but its alright for her to stand on there cages you can definitely say shes queen of the manner and what she says goes xxx

Trafford Now In His Forever Home!!

November 2nd, 2010
Trafford Now In His Forever Home!!

Well after lots of thought i knew the best place for Trafford to have a forever home was with one of our forum Moderators and Area coordinators on the rescue site Bob.

Bob already has a African Grey call Zuri and also a recently rescued a parrot called Ruby! Trafford loves men so i thought Bob would be the perfect new Daddy to Trafford.

Before Trafford went myself and Rick gave his toenails a trim as they were very long and sharp which I’m sure Bob appreciated :) and he had a big long snugly cuddle wrapped in a soft blanket after which he really enjoyed that you can see here.

So all is left for me to do is pass this blog over to Bob who will now update us with how Trafford is settling in and very soon getting on with his new friend Zuri :)

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