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2011 April

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2011 April

New Update On Trafford

April 9th, 2011
New Update On Trafford

Well Trafford is in his sixth month here so it is time for an update.

He has settled in really well and it feels as though he has always been here. His diet is coming along well, loves his veg (especially carrots) and fruit and is eating pellets although not enough as yet. Here’s a couple of photo’s of him with Zuri, they are still not the best of friends but getting better and they certainly keep each other company.


Traff likes nothing better than sitting on my shoulder and would stay there all day if he could. He is flapping his wings a lot more now so hopefully the flight muscles are getting stronger and he has flown a short distance on one occasion.

He is picking up lots of new words and sounds and embarrasses me by doing the smoke alarm as soon as I put toast in the toaster. He also tells Zuri and Storm to be quiet when the noise gets too much for him.

This last photo is of him with Zuri and Ruby

Cheeky Boy!

April 5th, 2011
Cheeky Boy!

Well Cosmo has well and truly settled and is showing his true colours.  He follows Hughie everywhere and will fly all through the house to get to him.  He just loves his cuddles as you can see although he’s still not too sure about me.  We are getting there though and he did let me stroke his head through the bars of his cage this morning.  We are getting there.

Cosmo says “Hello” as soon as his cover is off in the morning and has shown his talent of singing Jingle Bells and whistling Pop Goes The Weasel.  He says he is a cheeky boy and he definitely is.  He is slowly getting to know Billy and Echo and we are keeping a close eye while they sort out the pecking order.  So far Billy isn’t too bothered but Echo likes a chase and  is still getting used to the fact there’s another bird who likes to fly about and be crazy!  That’s where I come in.  When Echo chases him I get a visit.

All in all we feel like Cosmo is really part of the family and is such a character.  I think he’s even thinking about joining the forum – certainly makes interesting reading!

Casper’s Here!!

April 4th, 2011
Casper's Here!!

WHOOP WHOOP, He is actually here !!!! I can hardly believe it. I have waited so long and researched so much to make sure that having a Grey was the right thing for us as a family. I was initially going to get a baby off a lovely lady local to me but then Pat stepped in and suggested rehoming. So contact with Paula was made and I was placed on the list. Despite having no birdie, I continued on the site, reading everything that was written to make sure when the right time came, I would be the best owner I could be.

Now on to the main man himself…Casper…what can I say!!! I am so so lucky to have been matched to this little guy. Its only been a couple of days but I am noticing small changes in his behaviour which clearly show he is getting his claws well and truly under the perch. He has been out for a few hours for the last couple of nights and he has had a few short flights but needs to practice more as he is quite puffed out when he has done a circuit of the room !! He is a bit nippy but its early days and he needs to settle and we need to learn to trust each other. He has let me give him a head tickle tonight which is progress and greets us with a little knock knock noise every time anyone enters the room.

He is in exceptionally good condition and its obvious he was very well looked after. I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge heartfelt thank you to Jenny and her daughter. Whilst I appreciate you made a really difficult decision, I promise you, he will be most loved and spoilt here. I will keep this Blog updated so you can see how he is progressing.

Many many thanks to Paula and Rick. Everyone involved with Casper has truly made my dream come true. xxx

Casper Has a Forever Home!

April 3rd, 2011
Casper Has a Forever Home!

Well on Saturday Afternoon we made the trip to take Casper to his Lovely new forever home with Anne-Marie!

Casper has really chilled out and become a very funny grey, the noises he comes out with make us laugh.

He is going to live with one of our forum members who have been on the forever home list for a little while and she has been so very excited about giving one of AGPC greys a forever home, when we told her about Casper she was walking on the walls i swear!

She was very excited and so were her 2 children who couldn’t wait to meet him, she had been out and brought lots of toys and nice treats for Casper and he daughter had been making toys for Casper what a lucky birdy!

When we got there we was made very welcome with some tea and my favourite biscuits i ate the whole pack! But hey it was the weekend ha

We got Casper settled in and he had a nice walk about on the floor while we set up his cage and he seemed really happy with his new home, already started making a few noises so he must be happy to be there, i am really happy that Casper has gone to live with Anne-Marie and her children as she has lots of time to spend with him and bring him on loads, i am now handing this blog over to her so she can now update us all on how Casper is getting on and with lots of photos i am sure!

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