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2011 May

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2011 May

Meet Timneh Fred!

May 10th, 2011
Meet Timneh Fred!

Well another hectic weekend for us and another rescue collected on Sunday it was the turn of Fred the Timneh!

Fred is 20 years old and lived with his lovely owners Sue and Tom since a baby but due to illness they felt Fred wasn’t getting the attention he deserved so out of love for him they thought it best that he be rehomed somewhere that he could get lots of attention and love.

Fred talks a little and already told me to “Go away” in his cheeky voice he looks in lovely condition and is settling in at the moment he like’s to look in his mirror he came with and he also likes it when you sit and talk to him and mumbles back very sweet.

I gave him some palm oil on toast this morning and he loved it!!

Here are a few photos of him….Enjoy!

Oscar Is Here!

May 9th, 2011
Oscar Is Here!

Saturday was a busy day for Oscar’s old owners who were rehoming him due to complaints from there neighbour, they took the long drive from Aberdeen to Durham to our area coordinators house Bob so that Oscar could be rehomed to a loving forever home!

Bob met the lovely couple and took Oscar in and settled him in and even had Oscar stepping up and sitting on his shoulder before the day was out which is great!

Oscar has already been matched with his new forever home with one of our great members on our forum who already has a grey, Rachel who is over the moon with him and has gone out and brought him a brand new cage and lots of new toys which he loves!

Here is a few photos of him and I will now hand the blog over to Rachel who will update it and tell you all about Oscar from now on!

Sammi and Dil

May 8th, 2011

Sammi is still very much in love with Dil!!! Im managing the odd tickle but if Im honest Im kinda scared of him :0) Dil thinks Sammi is getting better with me, I just need to overcome my nerves with him because he picks up on it and does his nervous ruffle under his wing!
We now have a new parrot stand!!! Sammi went on it no trouble, Tweak was less sure of it and kept flying off!
They love listening out for each other and calling each other when they are in different rooms. The other day I was peaking in at them and Tweak was being cheeky and went to climb on Sammis cage, I was kinda panicked thinking he would have her toes off but all ended well. I need to get Dil to make him some more perches (havent told him yet though) because Sammi has practically chewed through all his branches so they desperately need replacing. Im sure he would love some new ones to destroy. Here are some photos I took just now of the cheeky chap

Another Rescue – It’s Swazi!

May 5th, 2011
Another Rescue - It's Swazi!

Bank holiday was a busy week yet again for us … as well as being laid up in bed for me on the sunday due to coming down with a sickness bug which went through the family one after the other, as soon as i felt better i had to make the journey myself alone with just Daizee-mai our 5 month old daughter for company as the rest of the family were at home being sick to collect another rescue called Swazi.

After fighting my way through the traffic i finally got to my destination and met Swazi and his owner who was deeply upset that he was going, but due to having to relocate with work to a different country and not being able to take him with him he had no choice but to rehome him.

Swazi is 5 years old and liked nothing more than to look out of his massive window that looked over the city and walking about the flat taking in his surroundings.

He has been with us a few days now and each time i walk passed him he says “good morning!” he is being very quiet but that is to be expected and it normally takes them a week or so to come round and start chanting all the words, songs and noises they know.

Here are some photos of the little man!

Casper Al Fresco

May 4th, 2011
Casper Al Fresco

Well we finally did it……. After some serious modification of a dog crate, we made ourselves an outdoor cage. Casper wasn’t slow in getting in actually much to my surprise. He had a good half hour outside in the sunshine and did a bit of stationary flying on his perch. He loved hearing all the birds and was soon mimicking them. The next door neighbour was in his shed making a bit of noise and Casper kept going ‘OH’ every time he heard him. Then the neighbour did a really loud sneeze and Casper, as quick as a flash, said ‘bless you!!!’

He is back inside now but will not go back into his lovely big cage, he has himself all fluffed up and cosy on his perch grinding his beak getting down to his afternoon nap.

I am so pleased he liked it. I was sat with him in the sun thinking that I had always dreamed of been able to be outside with my Grey and now I have done it.

Will put my thinking cap on for an idea as to our next adventure.

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