Well, as some of you know, Bailey recently escaped and was missing for a few days. Those days were the most scary and I never want to have to go through that feeling of loss and devastation ever again!! Needless to say, there is a lock firmly fixed on her cage now.
Very VERY luckily she was found by some young lads who were playing cricket at the local pitch which is only about 300 yards from my house. I consider myself to be extremely lucky to have her back and know that not all stories end this way. My heart goes out to those owners, it really does. She was only away for a short while and she doesn’t appear to have suffered at all and looked in fantastic health when I picked her up. She was very quiet and indeed so quiet that I kept questioning whether it was actually Bailey. I recognised the scar across her beak, but until I could get her to speak, I couldn’t actually be sure. I need not have worried because the second I got her into her cage, she asked me ‘wanna a bag a chips, do you?’ Yep, that’s my Bailey alright! Ha Ha!!
Well since she’s been back, she’s certainly more than made up for the silence during her absence and seems to have learnt new words and phrases while she was away. Most I cannot decipher, but she has started calling for Tyler who is my youngest son. She also seems to be experimenting with different foods and before she wouldnt even try a walnut or brazil nuts, but now she loves them.
Me, well, I’m just delighted that I have my mate back again. I know I havent had her that long, infact its only 4 months, but I am so attached to her and love her so much. she has brought so much joy (and noise) and love (and mess) and absolute happiness to my days and cant remember how my life was without her. She is such a treasure and I love her dearly.