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2012 January

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2012 January

Sammi Update

January 16th, 2012
Sammi Update

Nothing much interesting to update on Sammi. He is still as cheeky as ever!

He loves making the microwave noise when we use it so you are never quite sure if it has finished or if its Sammi playing games!

His other favourite game is teasing Dil. The other day Dil and i were upstairs when our dog Alfie was yapping outside so Dil got up thinking he had locked him out only to see him curled up in his bed and it was Sammi the whole time! He does that quite often.

Also if I ask him if he is being a good boy he will start nodding his head :0) I must try to get that on video for my next update!

A Wee Update On Cosmo

January 15th, 2012
A Wee Update On Cosmo

This is just a small update on how Cosmo is doing and the fun we are all having.

His latest party piece is singing “This is the Life” so he definitely seems to be happy in his surroundings  :)

He has continued to become more confident with me and will fly to me even just to sit and have a nap on my knee.  He does still go to Hughie too but seems to like to give him a little nip every so often.  He will step up for me to put him back into his cage at night too which he would never do before.

He is a good eater and a non-stop talker!  He goes all day until he’s covered up at night.  Cosmo’s still not keen on a shower but he doesn’t have much choice with that one.

We are edging closer to having Cosmo for a year now and I have to say it’s been a very quick year.  Time really does fly when you’re having fun!  :)

New Year . . . New Angel?

January 9th, 2012
New Year . . . New Angel?

Well who can believe 2012 is here already how fast did last year go!! It is crazy how quickly the years fly past now when your younger a month seemed like a year!!

Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas, we had a great time apart from our little girl being really ill christmas ill and christmas day but we still made it special and santa paid her a visit :o ) and on our Forum we had the christmas raffle (massive thanks to Pat for sorting out the raffle) with over 20 prizes and secret santa and also we sold lots of the human cook books which the funds all went into Angels appeal.

Angel has been fine well as fine as she can be bless her she is still on Metacam and her normal quiet self, she never plays with toys i think it is because she can’t use her feet like a normal grey and she normally just hangs on to the side of the cage. I have been trying different toys every week to see what I could get her to play with and up until this week nothing worked until I had a really simple toy idea! I placed a plastic cat ball which has a small bell inside so it rattles onto a fruit kebab stick and hung it near where she sits on the food bowl and success she played with it non stop for about 6 hours!! I was so chuffed it was so nice to hear her playing with the ball, it brought a tear to my eye as it is so sad to have seen her a grey not play with toys because of her deformed legs! This is why i think this operation is a must as she has not much of a life the way she is and to live the next 20+ years like this it’s no life!

We have raised even more money last month and we are not far off the amount we need for her to have her first leg done.. see the poster below for totals. So looks like she will have her operation this month. So a massive thank you to all who have donated so far we still have a little to raise to cover the after care and medications but we are more of less there.

As soon as I have her date confirmed I will let you all know :)

6 Weeks On For Poppy.

January 9th, 2012
6 Weeks On For Poppy.

Well what can I say about her, she seems to have lived with us for longer than six weeks she is that comfortable.

I got her straight onto a pellet diet and off seed and she wasn’t any trouble, in fact I found her bag of seed last night and out of curiosity offered her a few bits, she immediately spat them out which was reassuring.

Her playmate Marley and Poppy get on very well and o we decided to get them a double cage to share, they also have shared out of cage time.

Poppy is a great talker and the things she comes out with are hilarious, she even had her own original “ho ho ho, merry crisps” saying for Christmas.

As most of you probably saw from our photos and videos of poppy she was really heavily plucked but she is starting to grow some feathers back around her neck, time will tell if she will be fully feathered again but if not who cares, we love her to bits and know that she loves us back.

Joey/JoJo Doing Well!

January 4th, 2012
Joey/JoJo Doing Well!

Well, what can I say? JoJo is doing so well. He seems to have settled down well and has taken a liking to me which I am quite happy about.

We just love him to bits we are hoping to get more photos when my other half is off for 6 nights in January as he is the snapper in this household he loves his camera so will post up some nice photos of him (JoJo not my other half!)

So keep your eyes open.

He really is one well loved and spoilt young man!

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