Well we’ve had Poppy now for what seems an eternity, but in reality its been 5 months. She has settled in so well and is now a big part of our lives, she is so funny and happy to please (me anyway). She has become attached to me and has taken a slght dislike to Karen if we are in the room together.
She has been outside in the sunshine in the past few weeks but due to the horrible weather lately that was short lived. She loved the sunshine and i could see a real difference the outdoors had upon her especially after a full on shower!!
Her feathers are still very tatty but she has just started to moult so hopefully the tatty one will drop out and she will grow nice new feathers that she will leave alone. She still has the occassional pluck but nothing near to what she has done in the past.
Marley and Poppy love each others attention and they constantly chatter to each other. Poppy has learnt many new words but her favourite at the moment is “Pig”, she tends to use this after a really loud burp.
I’ve finally managed to download some photos of her which are from the past couple of months although she doesn’t seem to like the flash on the camera.