Rocky is coming along in leaps and bounds, he’s been eating well for almost 2 months now, and has put on some much needed weight!! 
He was first weighed shortly after his arrival, and weighed 475g, which is very low considering his such a big boy, now he weighs 550g, which is fantastic but still under a healthy weight range for his size, the aim now is to get him up to 600g or more. Hopefully this wont be too difficult as he’s eating is increasing slowly but surely
Rocky shares a cage with my other Amazon, and he seems to enjoy her company, they do bicker a little bit, but he adores her, and they both get noisy and loud together when they decide to kick off!! He has also realised that he has some stiff competition for her affections too……… My hubby!!!
I’ve recently had an operation which has meant that my hubby has had to become the birds main carer, and whenever my hubby is around my other Amazon, she comes alive, and is very flirty with him. Of course Rocky has clocked on to this, and now charges and tries to bite the hubby at every opportunity!!
Rocky seems to dislike both my hubby and I (the hubby more so), and whenever I try to get him to step-up, he will pretend to grab my finger with his foot, then STRIKE FOR A BITE!!! However, this does not phase me in the slightest, and I now make a little game of this, as soon a he attempts to step-up, with my other hand I will tickle the back of his legs, I will also offer him a toy to bite into as a distraction tactic 
Although he gets frustrated because he can’t catch me quick enough to bite me, he does enjoy it, and as a result, I’ve been able to give a lot more tickles to him. There are times where I do actually need him to step-up, and on those occasions I simply take the bite because so far in my experience of the birds I have, there’s no bite harder or more painful than a Cockatoos!!! 
Rocky, is now a well established member of our family and flock and I adore him, he’s so gorgeous, and I’m over the moon with his progress!!