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Parrot Rescue Centre > Diaries > Toria | You are here


Sammi Steps Up!

February 8th, 2011
Sammi Steps Up!

Its Only Took 9 Months!!!

Tonight I asked Dil to give Sammi a manicure. when he was all done I thought Id be brave and give him a little stroke, now remember he usually only tolerates my tickles from in his cage!!

Eventually I got him to step up, he didn’t bite me or anything!

Here is the result…..

I’m so pleased that all my patients has paid off and he finally accepts me!! The fun will start now I can handle him properly.

Sammi’s Progress in 2011

January 23rd, 2011
Sammi's Progress in 2011

Hi guys, I’m so pleased with Sammi today!! He was sat on top of his cage and put his beak on the bars for a scratch so I braced myself and scratched his neck! Its the first time Ive done it out of his cage!

Also he keeps following me, where ever I am he will run along his cage to be close to me. I’ve not decided yet if he wants to be by me or wants to rip my head of lol!

He had to do a house swap with Tweak cos Tweak was flying to her old house as soon as she was let out and I didn’t want any conflict over it so now Sammi has his own ‘shredding station’ which he is so happy with.

Here he is having fun making a lovely mess of some cardboard and his Christmas card toy.

Im Getting There!!!

January 10th, 2011
Im Getting There!!!

First of all Tweak and Sammi had a house swap. Tweak couldnt let her old cage go and would fly to it as soon as she was let out so I was worried she would be hostile to Sammi over it. Sammi gladly accepted his new house and it had the perfect shredding platform on top!

Just lately Sammi has seemed ‘jealous’ when Im talking to Tweak. He keeps doing kisses and making alot of noise until I go over to him. If he is out of his cage and I move to the opposite end he runs as fast as he can to get to me! Now I dont know if its him wanting to be close to me or him wanting to bite my head off!!

The other day I had my first out of cage head scratch and since then he has been different with me. He will bow his head for a scratch in his cage with no fluffing up! He still does his nervous preening under his wing but its much less.

Dil thinks he will be stepping up for me soon but I dont want to push it cos its taken awhile to gain his trust, I dont want to shatter it in an instant!

Here is a video of him enjoying tickles

Sammis New House

December 18th, 2010

Sammi has just moved into his new house!! He looks so happy in there and moved in no problem. Tweak was so eager to move into her house that she moved in before if was built!!
Here are some photos of them both

Photos of Sammi

December 8th, 2010
Photos of Sammi

Its been awhile since I put up some pics of Sammi so here goes -

Enjoying his veg

Being a porcupine :0)

I left a cardboard box in their room this morning that had contained a few Christmas decorations. BIG mistake as Sammi has now shredded it into a million pieces!! It amazes me how fast he can reduce a box to nothing :0)

Here are a few photos of Tweak too

Snuggle time under her blanket

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