Looking at Penny this morning her feathers are really good, down her chest, back, head and legs she is looking good!
Now if we could just get her to stop nipping her feathers from her bum and her wings we’ll have cracked it!
I’m not sure that is even manageable to be honest and it really doesn’t matter to me at all, if she wants to nip her feathers then that’s what she will do. We’ve noticed that she has started to play a little bit with her toys, foraging for food etc from an empty egg carton inside a cornflake box, that’s great because hopefully it will distract her a little bit from nipping. Every night around 7.00p.m. she has a good old pull at her wing feathers and screams a bit, that is the time that we cover them up for the night, we’ve tried covering later/earlier it makes no difference, 7.00p.m. her little alarm goes off and she has a quick pull of her wing feathers.
Since moving her to the window, we no longer have feathers that are pulled out so much that they bleed, so that’s good. She continues to dislike me and to love Darryl, so I can respect that.