It’s nearly two months since Fred has joined our flock. He has moved into a brand new Montana Palace cage which he shares with Riddle (with the divider in, of course). At first I was quite scared because Riddle just wanted to have a go at Fred but after a couple of days that was the end and there hasn’t been an argument since.
I bought a load of toys for Fred and though he’s not really interested in most of them he took a really likening to the willow sticks and one of Riddle’s old toys, the Shred-It. He managed to go through an entire roll of paper in just a couple of days, so I’m glad he found something he really enjoys. I will have to bulk buy the paper from now though, I think!
Note: The dowel perch is one of many, and it came with the cage. I thought there’d be no point throwing it out when he now has 6 others!
Fred has started to mimic Riddle’s copy of my sneeze. It’s an awful noise, but so funny when Riddle blesses him afterwards!
In the time since he’s been here I’ve managed to get tickles from him, and also a massive bite. Hey, you win some you lose some, right?
I hope that one day he will trust me enough to accept contact out of the cage, though he has given me handshakes (out of the cage) before.
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