I have just thought it has been a while since I updated people on Archie.
Nothing changes here really, he remains perfect haha I know just how lucky I am as he is so tame and so gregarious. His cage is permenently at the window now as he seems to like watching what goes off outside. When people walk by he shouts ‘hello’ or ‘hiya’ and as they pass really shouts ‘Bab bye!!!’ I love uncovering him in a morning to hear him say ‘ hello baby’ in such a sweet little voice.
He has been having a good old moult recently, not a full one but enough to get me a bit windy initially. That was until I really looked at the end of each feather. I suppose I will always worry about a plucking habit after Casper. Mind you this lad is far too busy to pluck. He shreds ‘yellow pages’ type books on a daily basis. In fact, any come through my letterbox quickly become parrot fodder!!!
Archie loves been outside whether its directing my gardening attempts or out in the car. My children think I am barmy when I say I am taking Archie out for a drive. We went out and added up having a pub lunch. Hardly a quiet affair as everyone had to come and see him. They did expect me to make him talk though haha.
In the evening there is nothing he likes better than to sit on the laptop whilst I ‘work’!! I am still amazed that he isn’t a chewer. Especially as he only really likes fabric, rope or paper based toys, I am surprised. He does sometimes walk over the top of the cage and grab the curtain but soon stops and blows me a raspberry when I tell him off!!!
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