After leaving all Lady’s new Christmas toys on the back of the sofa for a few weeks, she has accepted most of them, and has been busy chewing away!
Most of her toys were willow, foraging, and shredding toys, as she accepts these the quickest.
I purchased 3 Nutcase foraging toys, so the birds could have one each, and I shredded different coloured paper and stuffed it into the Nutcase, and then showed them that I had added some treats.
So……………….. Lady decided she was going to have a go!!!!
I left the Nutcase in Lady’s cage while I was at work, and by the time I came home, the Nutcase was empty Result I thought…………
Unfortunately, it seems that Lady didn’t quite grasp the concept of pulling out the shredded paper to get to the treats, because all 3 treats were in the pile of shredded paper on the cage floor!!!!!
ALL THAT HARD WORK FOR NOTHING, which would explain why she hasn’t touched the Nutcase since!!! Every time I think about it, I can’t help but chuckle, and in fairness, I wouldn’t do all that hard work if didn’t think there was anything at the end of it either!!
Here are some pics
Eventually, she get her treats………. After I found them out of the pile, the silly billy
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