Lady has been with us since June, and has settled in brilliantly. Over the past few months we have had the pleasure of getting to know her personality, and boy is she cheeky!!!
Lady likes to help me sort through the washing pile, so I’ll place the odd socks on my lap until I find the matching ones, and she will sit on my knee and chuck the odd socks on the floor!
She loves to play Tug O War with a small towel, during which she will throw her head around, and pretend she’s a head banger by bobbing her head up and down!
Lady is quite quiet, and I am trying to encourage her to be louder, which is working. Sometimes I can hear her from upstairs! She will shout hello, and will call out Laaaaadyyyyyyy, and she does what sounds like a medium pitched, grunting dog bark! She speaks well but sometimes she speaks so quietly, and she always does it when I’m talking, so can never make out what she’s saying! She does say, hello, hello Lady, what ya doing and bye bye, she can whistle but it’s so very quiet.
I was hoping to have her screaming the housing down by now, but I’m still working on it! I’m still hoping she’ll give my Amazon a run for her money one day
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