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Lady – Still As Cheeky As Ever!!!

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Lady – Still As Cheeky As Ever!!!

Lady – Still As Cheeky As Ever!!!

February 28th, 2012
Lady - Still As Cheeky As Ever!!!

Lady is still doing brilliantly, she’s been a little put out as we’ve spent time doing some much needed decoration to our house, but has been absolutely fantastic through it all!! I think because she could see us through the parrot room window, she understood that something big was happening.

As soon as the decor was done and the house was back straight, I took her round for a tour. I was a little concerned on how she would react to our new lounge, as it has gone from brown to red, and Lady does not like the colour red!!!
Thankfully the red, although a big change, is not overwhelming, and she was fine with it, and was very excited to be back in the main house again, and soon went straight to work at antagonising her much beloved enemies the dog, cats, and kids :) NORMALITY!!! :)

I’ve noticed ever the last few days, that she’s been chewing her play ring which has been in her cage for quite some time, which I’m very pleased about as it has lots of different materials and textures, and is very funky looking :)

Lady is still plucking, but still has her chest feathers which she has allowed to grow. I couldn’t imagine Lady with cheek and neck feathers, and she is not the only Too that I’ve has seen that plucks her cheeks either, if she lets them grow great, if not, she’s still the same beautiful, funky Lady to me :)

Here are some recent photos I took :)

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