Well, another month has past since Ruby joined our family and flock, she’s settled in amazingly!!
She enjoys her toys, and plays with every single one!! I have introduced her to Birdie Bangles which she munches with minutes, she also likes to hold them with her right foot and bang them on the perch or cage…. Very cute to watch
Ruby loves music, and will bop and whistle away, she’s a little party animal, and seems to like all the 90s music the most, especially Steps and the Spice Girls!!!!! Must get a video of her getting her groove on!!
She has put on more weight and now weighs 415g, she seems to like cooked veg more than fresh so far, and I am yet to try her on parrot mash but hopefully she will like it.
I think that Ruby has been plucking too long for her feathers to fully recover, she has the odd new feather growth but tends to pull them before they grow out of their sheath. Despite this, she has not plucked much at all, just the odd new feather and a few downy feathers.
Ruby had chewed some of her flights off before she came to me, and because she chewed at them, the remaining sheaths/quills tends to annoy her and she tends to preen/chew at the tatty ends, but hopefully these will fall out in time and she will allow her new flights to grow through. Despite the chewing of her flights her flying is improving and she even managed to take off from the floor the other week which was lovely to see. She doesn’t fly well, and tends to crash a lot, but as she gets stronger in flight her landings will get better.
Overall she’s doing brilliantly, and I’m very pleased with her, she’s a cracking little addition to our family, and I love her to bits
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