Sam is a 30 yr old (at least) CAG, we picked him up sunday 12th feb from a very tearful lady she has known Sam his whole 30 yrs with her family and he had lived with her for the past 3 n half years but she felt she was no longer giving him all he needed.
He is quite a bad plucker and has been for a few years and she also seems to think he had forgotten how to talk as once was quite chatty, we have heard the odd word and a lot is said quietly under his breath
we settled him in and soon replaced his petshop seed with Tidymix and a couple brands of pellet which he is happily now eating and choosin over the seed mix.
After talkin to his previous owner and lookin at his behaviour we came to the conclusion HE is more than likely actually a SHE so Sam became Sammie.
She seems willing to except tickles through the bars from all members of our family but shows extra interest in our eldest son yet was said to hate men and actually growl at them but so far we are yet to witness this im alowed in her cage to change bowls and adjust toys without bites though she is yet to show interest in coming towards my hands to be picked up but im sure in time with patience this can be achieved.
After just over a week with Sammi i know she will make a wonderful companion bird she is pleasant and so sweet and its been a real pleasure on givin her a new chance in life xx
Aah that is awesome! I can’t ever imagine not having time for my bird although she can be quite messy so I understand it would be a bit harder to clean up after her in old age.
What type of ‘neglect’ would cause someone to give up a bird? Surely toys etc and the company would be enough?
I am the previous owner of Sammie and i was so pleased to read the lovely comment from Mandi.
Life isn’t always so straightforward Debbie.
I did my best to look after this bird, but have also illness, myself, and a husband nearly 70 who has bronchial problems, which Sammie wasn’t helping with.
Don’t be so quick to judge others.
Neglect? There are far worse cases of neglect out there.
I am really annoyed at this comment. The bird was fed and watered each and every day. Neglect i can assure you was not the case. I gave Sammie away – didn’t stick him/her on a website and try to sell it, did i? They get on a parrot roundabout sometimes, and go from one home to another, because people are indiscriminate. Don’t judge me this way, lady.
I also wish to add that my husband had a stroke, and then had to go to Hospital for a Carotid Endarterectomy. I had a complete hip replacement last year. All this mean’t i was unable to care for Sam. Neither of us have siblings,or parents still alive, or children Sam was in his cage for far too many days.
No bird should be caged, they have wings for a reason.
Now will someone tell me i didn’t do the right thing by giving Sam to people who could better care for him.
Good saying is;- There but for the Grace of God go I!
Hi Dawn
Don’t worry about comments, you get them everywhere, people are to quick to judge without knowing the full story, you did an amazing thing by giving Sammi to us here at AGPC as you said you could of sold him on for money which most do just put them in the paper and get what they can then they do normally end up on the parrot merry go round.
Nothing but praise for you Sammi was loved and cared for by you and now by putting his needs first he has an amazing home in his forever home, which also helps you know where he is by his blog and knowing he is being well cared for. And you are so right about no bird should be caged.
Best wishes
Thank you Paula. No way was Sammi totally neglected
Can i also add to the blog that Sammi has definately growled at men. He/She never growled at my husband, and accepted head tickles from him. I have a distant cousin who is very tall, and has a white goatee beard, who Sammi didn’t know, and always growled at.
I am so pleased to hear that Sammie is doing so well.
All i ever wanted was for him/her to have a lovely life.