Last week I collected a blue front Amazon called Rocky from a lovely lady, Rocky was her husbands bird who sadly passed away a year and a half ago.
Rocky is 16 years old and believed to me male (i think he is too),he is quite a large bird and he was very bonded with her husband and since they lost him they haven’t been able to get close to him, they use to have a African grey too who sadly passed away just after he did , due to a broken heart it is believed and Rocky has also missed her, so has been pretty moody and down, he loved the dog and they use to sing together,
She wanted Rocky to be happy and asked for us to rehome him.
Rocky has settled in well and has said Hello a few times and loves to be out of his cage.
Here are a few photos of him and I will keep you posted with how he is getting on…
He is adorable. How sad for him, losing his owner and friend and then having to be re-homed. Will you be keeping him or will you find him a forever home?
Hi Jayne
Thanks for the comment, he is looking for his perfect forever home
we can’t keep them all or we would have no room to rescue more!
he is stunning paula.we safehoused a blue fronted amazon a few years ago they are such lovelly birds. im sure in time and once he is settled he will be back to himself again x
hello i am looking for a amazon parrot to give a loving home to, we have lots of time as we are at home all day so we have lots of time to give with lots of love to, please can you help me my email is tracyhorsecroft@hotmail.co.uk we love parrots so much,,, thank you tracy