Felix has settled in now and is such a loving bird im pleased to be his new dad.
A lot of people loved both him and jack.
Being first time for felix to hear guns and cannons going off he took to it like a true pirate bless him
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Felix has settled in now and is such a loving bird im pleased to be his new dad.
A lot of people loved both him and jack.
Being first time for felix to hear guns and cannons going off he took to it like a true pirate bless him
Not much to update on Lady really, she’s still doing well, all her wing feathers have grown back, and she’s still as cheeky as ever!!!
She is not caged much at all now, and spends most days flying from try to tree. I’m hoping to get some ceiling toys up for all the birds over the next few weeks, and although Lady will be a little freaked out at first, I’m sure she will get used to them, and play with them which will be nice to watch
Ruby has been moulting well over the past few weeks, and her right wing which she had chewed the flight feathers off previously, is recovering brilliantly!! She is now almost fully flighted and it will be interesting to see whether she will take flight. She’s a strong little girl, and although she hasn’t flown since she’s been here, she knows how to exercise her muscles, so I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before she tries to fly
I don’t think Ruby will become fully feathered again as she has been a plucker for too long, which has caused damaged to her feather follicles, but her neck and chest have lovely fluffy downy feathers
She’s out of her cage most of the time, but has to be watched as she loves to climb down the side of her cage to stretch over and chew and throw around my neatly stacked newspapers!! She thinks it’s fun, but I’m the one left to clear up her mess!!
She’s such a happy, bouncy little girl, and is very cheeky too, I adore her
I have just thought it has been a while since I updated people on Archie.
Nothing changes here really, he remains perfect haha I know just how lucky I am as he is so tame and so gregarious. His cage is permenently at the window now as he seems to like watching what goes off outside. When people walk by he shouts ‘hello’ or ‘hiya’ and as they pass really shouts ‘Bab bye!!!’ I love uncovering him in a morning to hear him say ‘ hello baby’ in such a sweet little voice.
He has been having a good old moult recently, not a full one but enough to get me a bit windy initially. That was until I really looked at the end of each feather. I suppose I will always worry about a plucking habit after Casper. Mind you this lad is far too busy to pluck. He shreds ‘yellow pages’ type books on a daily basis. In fact, any come through my letterbox quickly become parrot fodder!!!
Archie loves been outside whether its directing my gardening attempts or out in the car. My children think I am barmy when I say I am taking Archie out for a drive. We went out and added up having a pub lunch. Hardly a quiet affair as everyone had to come and see him. They did expect me to make him talk though haha.
In the evening there is nothing he likes better than to sit on the laptop whilst I ‘work’!! I am still amazed that he isn’t a chewer. Especially as he only really likes fabric, rope or paper based toys, I am surprised. He does sometimes walk over the top of the cage and grab the curtain but soon stops and blows me a raspberry when I tell him off!!!
Rocky is doing very well, he’s is eating well, playing well, and screaming extremely well. He still hates the hubby and I, but we don’t mind. He seems very settled and happy
He shares his cage with my OWA who is very timid around other birds, but other the past few weeks she has learned to realised that Rocky is a friendly boy who won’t cause her any harm. She has become more confident with Rocky and has even started preening him!!! It’s soooooooooooooooo lovely to watch
Poor Rocky was a little unsure of what my OWAs intentions were at first, after all he’s spent the last few months being growled at and being bitten by her because she was so scared of him, but he’s slowly starting to relax when she approaches him, and thoroughly enjoyed being preened by her yesterday
I’m so glad I put them together, because my gut instinct told me they would get along eventually, and my gut was right
I think this is the start of something beautiful
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