Hi and sorry I’ve not updated in a while, been working like mad.
Poppy is doing really well since her last update. She has moved into a double cage with Marley, the divider is still in though as he tries to dominate her. They have an ultra violet lamp above the cage which poppy loves sitting under and it’s having a good effect upon her feathers, she now has all her down feathers under her wings and she is finally starting to get feathers on her chest all be it little fluffy ones.
She had her first experience of the garden yesterday in her travel cage and seemed overawed by the goings on, I’m sure with the nicer weather arriving she won’t take long to be familiarised with things.
She has mastered plenty of new words and is a joy to have in the home. Poppy and Marley are very happy together and it’s great they both have the company of one another.
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