Rocky is doing very well, he’s is eating well, playing well, and screaming extremely well. He still hates the hubby and I, but we don’t mind. He seems very settled and happy
He shares his cage with my OWA who is very timid around other birds, but other the past few weeks she has learned to realised that Rocky is a friendly boy who won’t cause her any harm. She has become more confident with Rocky and has even started preening him!!! It’s soooooooooooooooo lovely to watch
Poor Rocky was a little unsure of what my OWAs intentions were at first, after all he’s spent the last few months being growled at and being bitten by her because she was so scared of him, but he’s slowly starting to relax when she approaches him, and thoroughly enjoyed being preened by her yesterday
I’m so glad I put them together, because my gut instinct told me they would get along eventually, and my gut was right
I think this is the start of something beautiful
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