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Ruby, Lady, & Rocky

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Ruby, Lady, & Rocky

Ruby, Lady, & Rocky

January 17th, 2013
Ruby, Lady, & Rocky

Ruby –
RUBY CAN FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
When Ruby arrived, she had plucked her wing so bad that she couldn’t fly, she could only fall with style. Twice in the last 2 weeks she has flown, once from the floor, and then yesterday, from one cage to the other which was a good 8-10 ft. I knew she would do it at some point, as she has always exercised her muscles and wings which has kept her a strong little birdie. She prefers to climb though, but at least she can fly if she wants which is brilliant!! :)

Lady –
Lady is still doing well. She has finally ventured onto the table top stand that I have on a shelf in front of the window which looks in from the kitchen through to the parrot room. She seems quite impressed that she can get right up to the window to see what we’re doing, if I wipe a cloth over the window she chases it and beakbutts the window and generally has a hissy fit because she can’t get it! :)
Next to the stand is a large foraging bucket which has bits and bobs of old toys, foot toys, wicker balls, and large beads etc etc etc, she has been enjoying rummaging through it to chew whatever she can, resulting in a right old mess for me to clean :)

Rocky -
There’s not much to update on Rocky really, he’s still climbing well around the trees, and likes to have a swing on the hanging spiral rope. He is preening my other Amazon more, and pines after her if she flies away from him. He still can’t fly, and if he falls, he falls like a lead balloon, but the fact that he is climbing with more confidence every day hopefully means his muscles are strengthening :)
He’s still a noisy boy, it’s my other Amazon who is the loudest though, but my word when the pair of them get going it’s deafening!!! I wouldn’t have it any other way :D

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