Ruby is still doing great, still a happy little girl, and still whistling and dancing her little heart out.
We had a slight change around due to taking on another rescue, so we moved Ruby next to my Amazon’s tree which is in front of the window. Ruby loves it as she can see us when we’re in the kitchen, but the other side of Ruby’s cage is a plastic shelving unit where I keep food, bowls, newspapers etc. Ruby climbs down the side of the cage and chews whatever she can reach!!
On the bottom shelf I keep the newspapers, she climbs all the way down the side of her cage, chews them, then throws them around the floor
She chews the shelf itself, and basically anything she can reach.
When I spray her in the bathroom, she will also chew the shower curtain.
Of course she loves chewing her toys too, she just likes to chew everything else too!!
Next week she is having her very own Java Tree, and will be out on her tree for most of the day, this will give her more variety, and an opportunity to climb more and chew more, as she doesn’t like to leave her area, which at the moment is her cage. She doesn’t have to leave her tree, so should still feel safe, but will be able experience the branches of the tree which will be good for her legs
In the late afternoon she will then go back into her cage on her textured perches, which will keep her feet in good condition, so she’ll have the best of both worlds. If she’s happy to sleep on her tree she can, and she’ll just go back to her tree at bedtime. She has slept on top of her cage before so, I’m sure she’ll be happy sleeping on her tree as she loves being out.
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