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Sammi and Tweak, Best of Friends?

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Sammi and Tweak, Best of Friends?

Sammi and Tweak, Best of Friends?

August 16th, 2010
Sammi and Tweak, Best of Friends?

I think Tweak and Sammi are becoming good friends. Slowly I have been putting them closer together when out of their cages.

They seem much more relaxed by each other now which is great!!
When I sing ‘Always look on the bright side of life’ I have them both whistling the whistle part to me whilst Sammi does his dance. He is such a character.

When mom had him for the few days every time the phone rang he would say ‘phone’. All weekend Tweak was saying the same thing and I couldnt work out what it was until mom pointed it out. We dont have a land line so wouldnt have made the connection so quickly. They are both learning so much off each other and sammi now shouts ‘Tor’ and ‘no way’ and if I look at him he says ‘what’

Dil spent a few hours last night putting his box together. Its almost finished and will go on the wall where the remains of Sammis basket are in the above picture.

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