Today when Dil came home he went to Sammi and straight away got her to step up onto his hand and she started regurgitating for him! Its only the second time he has got her to step up onto him and she instantly loves him! I cant get over it, she is like a different bird round him. Im so glad she has took to one of us and Dil seems chuffed to have a new friend
Hi Toria…thats exactly what happened with me and Graeme…not too fussed around me, but regurgitated and loved up around G…very interesting. I’m wondering if Sammi has had some bad experiences around women and this is the reason for some preference. Mind you…you’ve got to tickling and sort of handling in a couple of days, while it took me months just to get to the tickle part. You’ll be just fine!! Kim xx
She was the same with Rick, she loved him but wasn’t that keen on me!! He could do anything with her so looks like she has fallen for Dil now )