The Background!
Firstly Sammi was brought for entertainment at a hair salon,around 30 years ago, we have no idea how she was treated but her owner moved to the states about 20 years ago and gave her to her brother and sister in law. She remained with them for about 10-12 years , during which time she lost her wide range of nursery rhymes and vocabulary and just whistled a lot! She rarely came out of her cage which just had two bits of dowelling and one ancient bell toy. She was nippy and unhappy around woman.
Her owner then died suddenly and Kim and Graeme as friends of the family didn’t want her to be sold off so they took her on. She bonded instantly with Graeme,regurgitating for him and allowing him to handle her.They replaced her perches with orthopaedic ones and gave her some new toys.They placed her cage near a run of kitchen worktops and every evening she clambers out of her cage and merrily chews her way into and out of lots of cardboard bowes,and wicker baskets and sisal baskets.
She let Graeme pick her up and he sometimes carriers her to the lounge where she will sit and watch some tv with them.After a lot of patience she has started to let Kim tickle her head and cheek and is happy for her to be near her along side Graeme, so no real aggression or possessiveness towards him. She sings happily and has a wide repertoire of calls again
They had a small terrier and a busy lifestyle and want her now to enjoy all the time freedom and care that a parrot centric household can provide her.They hope a loving home with parrot and human company will bring her out of her shell even more.
What Sammi likes…
Company…. peanuts, sitting out in the garden in the sunshine watching the birds. Big carboard boxes to chew on and climb in. Apple wood to strip the bark from, Toilet and kitchen rolls to chew Coming out of her cage and playing or watching tv, being talked to and sung to and listerning to the dawn chourus cd they play for her. She likes a gentle shower from a plant mister every other day and her blue sheet that goes over her cage at night which she chews.
Her parrot mix and Strawberries, grapes, grapes and more grapes!Apple, damp Broccoli,Spinach, Carrots, small bit of cheese now and again bit of toast with palm oil supplement on it. Whistling the Mc Donalds tune ‘Im loving it’ theme tune, scrambled eggs, gentle kissing sounds and tickles.
Sammi’s words…
Heeello…Goodnight….Come on….la la la ….Bob….Sammi….Alright…..Alright Sammi…. Not a huge range but sweet nonetheless.
What sammi doesn’t like….
Being left alone, Not being part of thins, seeing you eat and not being offered any, Kids screeching and running about near the cage (possible bad experience with previous owners grandchildren??) Too much Quiet. Dogs Chasing her.
A big thank you to Kim and Graeme for Sammi’s background, and trusting AGPC re-homing section to take her in and find her a forever home. and the very warm welcome into there home when we collected Sammi Please keep checking back to follow Sammi’s progress.
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