Syd has been with us now for nearly 2 weeks and is starting to chatter quite a lot, some of the things we can make out are ‘Night’ even at noon in the day, ‘What you doing?’, ‘Whats that’, ‘ Bye’.
She still not very keen on her fresh fruit and vegetables but i am working on that! i am still working on her to finish a bowl of my mash mix, she looks at it and walks off! I know it isn’t that bad as Mai our Grey loves it! She really enjoys a bit of wholemeal pasta which you can see below -
She loves her swing she came with and sits on it most of the time when she is in her cage she looks so cute on it, she loves Cashew nuts and is getting much more comfy with me stroking her and tickling her i can stroke her all over, still not to keen on stepping up but we will get there!
Here is Syd on her swing!
Great picurues of Syd, good to know she is settling in, cashews have always been her favorite type of nut, although she also has another favourite of sour cream and onion pringles, and when we eat dinner she has always liked the peas and sweetcorn from out plates.
Although we miss her alot we know she has a better quality of life with you and your family
Thanks once again for the pictures and all you have done for her
Hey Jack
She is settling really well, she loves me and I can stroke her all over in the day while she is out, loves playing with boxes (wait for this weeks blog!) I looked round last night as she went all quiet and she had walked down the cage and half way across our sofa and was just sitting in the middle of it!! Sure likes home comforts