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Lady – Fully Flighted Once Again

July 6th, 2012
Lady - Fully Flighted Once Again

Lady has been with us 2 years now, and my how the time flies, her wing feather’s are now fully grown, and she is now fully flighted again, and has not plucked any other wing feathers, so hopefully that will be the last time.
She has more freedom now that the parrot room has been improved, and she has the choice of 3 trees to play on, and seems quite happy flying from tree to tree chewing the different toys.

She had a slight problem at the end of last month, and had to be taken to the vets, as she was being sick all of a sudden. The vet seemed to think she had a crop inflammation, but because she was sick a fair bit, she had also ruptured one of her air sacks. She was given some medication, and the vet advised that the ruptured air sack would heal on it’s own. Thankfully she made a full recovery after a week :)

She has the biggest character out of all the birds, and never fails to make me laugh, although she has become obsessed with shredding my hair every time she is on my shoulder :o SPLIT ENDS GALORE!!!!!!!!!!
She is also still jealous of every other living thing that moves, and still does not hesitate to attack, and stops at nothing especially when it comes to the dog!!!!

The last 2 years have been amazing through the highs and the lows, I could never be without her!!

Lady – Update

June 5th, 2012
Lady - Update

Since Lady plucked her wing feathers, she’s doing really well and has not plucked any more of her flights.

She enjoys the playing in the parrot room now that she has a few Java stands to fly to and from, and loves to tease the other birds when she is out playing and they are safely in their cages because of her!!

She still hates the children, and still loves to to start a drama with the dog, she loves to be fussed but will quite happily play on her own too.

She’s still the diva in the house, and tends to get her own way most of the time because if she’s doesn’t, she’ll think nothing of savaging those around her, then laughing afterwards!!! She’s an evil little madam when she wants to be, and she knows it!!! :P

Lady – Major Setback

May 5th, 2012
Lady - Major Setback

Over the past few months, we have been extremely busy. We have been decorating our home, and working overtime which has meant that Lady has had the attention she’s needed. She was coping very well, but a few weeks ago there was a sonic boom, which sounded like a vehicle had ploughed into the back of the parrot room. This of course shook the birds up pretty bad, and since then Lady has started to pull out her wing feathers.
I was very heart broken at first, as this as far as I’m aware is a first for Lady, but this week things have been a lot more settled, and Lady has been getting back into her normal routine, and there has been no more wing feathers plucked as yet. I have again resorted to the attitude that she is a plucker, and it’s what pluckers do, and I am now focusing on a new project for Lady and the other birds….

Next week I’m going to change the parrot room around, which should benefit all the birds, the reason for the change around is because none of the birds get on, which makes their play time very difficult to organise because some of the birds will chase the others (Lady being one of the chasers). The change around should work quite well, and will be much better for all of them, especially Lady :)

At the moment Lady is in one side of a double cage, then there are 2 other cages, and a Java Tree, from next week there will only be 2 single cages and 3 trees. Although it sounds a little crazy only have 2 cages when none of the birds get along, but there’s method behind the madness, and the plan should work very well. It would take to long to explain, but hopefully on the next blog I can explain in more detail, and by then the room will have been in place for some time.

Lady Doing Great!

March 30th, 2012
Lady Doing Great!

Lady’s still doing great, and she has now started to explore her big cage now :)
All the toys I placed round her cage have now been chewed and destroyed, which is fantastic because I had started to wonder if she would ever play with them at all!!
I’m sure she will be keen to get her beak around some new ones very soon :)
Her favourite toy is the La Tenda, which is a bit like a hanging cardboard mop. She loves tearing the the strips off and chewing them, although she never seems to chew the cardboard cubes in the middle, but hey ho she likes what she likes, and considering when I first got her nearly 2 years ago she wouldn’t play with anything I’m very happy for her to be a little fussy :)

She’s come such a long way since I first got her, and although she still plucks, she has made a massive improvement, she is so close to over coming the habit and I truly believe that one day she could become fully feathered, but she will only do it if she wants to. I however I’m happy with her just the way she is. I accepted her as a plucker, she will always be a plucker in my eyes whether she stops or not, there’s no pressure on her or me.

This weekend I am going away for the first time since having parrots, some four years ago!!!
This will be a challenge for Lady and the other birds, as I am the main carer, but it’s going to be an even bigger challenge for the hubby who is looking after them all ;)

I’m sure Lady will be fine though, I have taught her to be an independent, confident bird, so I’m sure she keep the hubby in check ;)

Lady – Still As Cheeky As Ever!!!

February 28th, 2012
Lady - Still As Cheeky As Ever!!!

Lady is still doing brilliantly, she’s been a little put out as we’ve spent time doing some much needed decoration to our house, but has been absolutely fantastic through it all!! I think because she could see us through the parrot room window, she understood that something big was happening.

As soon as the decor was done and the house was back straight, I took her round for a tour. I was a little concerned on how she would react to our new lounge, as it has gone from brown to red, and Lady does not like the colour red!!!
Thankfully the red, although a big change, is not overwhelming, and she was fine with it, and was very excited to be back in the main house again, and soon went straight to work at antagonising her much beloved enemies the dog, cats, and kids :) NORMALITY!!! :)

I’ve noticed ever the last few days, that she’s been chewing her play ring which has been in her cage for quite some time, which I’m very pleased about as it has lots of different materials and textures, and is very funky looking :)

Lady is still plucking, but still has her chest feathers which she has allowed to grow. I couldn’t imagine Lady with cheek and neck feathers, and she is not the only Too that I’ve has seen that plucks her cheeks either, if she lets them grow great, if not, she’s still the same beautiful, funky Lady to me :)

Here are some recent photos I took :)

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